Lakeville Farmington Treehouse Programs


Support Group is held every Tuesday night at Bethel’s Rock Church in Farmington at 7 PM. Support Group offers teens space and time to connect with other teens and with adult leaders. Teens often share what is going on in their lives and/or listen to other teens do the same. Each night starts with an informal gathering where a meal is offered. Teens then move to large group where adult leaders or special guests share a topical lesson and finish the evening with time for smaller breakout group connection. Transportation to/from support group is available, upon request. Bethel’s Rock Church is located at 6300 212th Street West in Farmington. Support Group starts at 7 PM.


Teens may also be matched with an adult leader who can serve in a mentoring capacity. This focused connection with a safe, caring adult is highly valued by teens. Mentors demonstrate consistency by showing up to listen and to serve as a positive adult role model.


Throughout the year, teens are also invited to join in gatherings outside weekly programming. These are scheduled on an ad-hoc basis and offer an environment for teens to have fun and connect with others (e.g., Retreats, Service Projects, and Indoor or Outdoor Social Experiences such as hiking or bowling).

Make a donation.

Lakeville Farmington Treehouse is a 501c3 nonprofit that is funded by generous donors like yourself. One-time or Recurring Donations can be made securely via:
